This is like comfort food, so freaking good, and easy.
One pot.
Under 30 minutes.
I've had a recipe that I called Skillet Goulash in my repertoire for 25 years, but haven't made it much in the past 10 years because I cut out pasta.
Tonight I pulled out my very first cook book of recipes that we loved and adapted it for the here and now. This book has seen better days, it's pretty disgusting, but it has tried and true recipes that are simple and that appeal to the masses. Check out the griminess (sp?)!
It was a Christmas gift from my daughter's great-grandma when I was probably 17, she always gave great gifts that were so practical. This thing has been amazing over the years and held some of our favorite dishes. It brings up lots of memories every time I pull it out.
When I was a kid I remember going through my mom's recipe boxes that belonged to her mother and grandmother and looking through the recipes. We actually came across them all just this week as we were working on cleaning out my mom's apartment and moving things to storage. I need to bring them home so I can rifle through them again and see what I find:)
Anyways, back to tonight...
I was just finishing up a 48 hour fast and wasn't in very deep ketosis and was straight up hangry. Food needed to happen and happen fast.
Rod left and went to the gym for the second time today because I was cranky and needed to be by myself...oops.
I had a pound of ground turkey and a pound of spicy sausage that had been thawed out for several days and needed used up.
Simple, fast and as few dishes as possible and contained veggies were the requirements. Comfort food sounded so good, it's freezing out, I had just worked out and needed some deliciousness.
I decided to adapt my old school Skillet Goulash recipe and this is where I ended up!
Amazing and simple.
Heat your pan, cook your onions and garlic a bit, add the meat, add nearly everything else, throw in the "pasta" and about 25 minutes later you're eating some yummy food. This isn't the most nutrient dense meal ever, but it sure does beat fast food or munching on snacks instead of actually eating a meal.
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