I actually made these the same time I was whipping up a batch of Buffalo Meatballs. I was wanting to try to find a few recipes to hide some liver in, like hide it really well...so no one even has a hint that it's there. If Rodney could taste it I'd be eating all the meatballs myself...and he's been putting them away so my endeavors were successful. I've made a variation of this recipe for years, it's really good with a beef and sausage combo, just beef, I've used turkey, not a fan of chicken with this one. Normally I don't put spinach in, I usually use mushrooms and really like the texture they add...but I was out of mushrooms today.
Liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, most cultures consume organ meat on a regular basis and eat nose-to-tail, not wasting any part of the animal. It's interesting to me why we are so adverse to eating that way here in America. How did we get away from it? A lot of people my parents age will say they grew up eating liver, but don't much anymore. Ask someone my age and even if they are eating it (and don't know it, yes, I'm that friend) and saying it's good, as soon as they find out there is organ meat in it, literally, 7 out of 8 people put there spoon down and didn't eat another bite. LOLOLOLOL....
Granted I've made a lot of changes to my diet in the past 5 months, but adding liver is one of the big things and it's CRAZY how much my bloodwork has improved. My Vitamin D levels for example went from 37 to 77 in several months time, without a change in my sun exposure (which was pretty much zero because I wasn't feeling well).
For this batch I did 1 part liver to 2 parts ground turkey and you could barely taste any of the liver coming though. They were delicious. I was going to make some sort of sauce to dip them in, but we ate them all before I got around to it.
We threw some on a salad, tossed some in some Zucchini soup, they would be really good in Cauliflower & Leek soup as well! I normally make a double or triple batch and keep some in the freezer for when I'm in a rush or don't feel like cooking. Super handy.
Get a box of food handler's gloves and mini ice cream scoop from Gordan's and you won't even have to get your hands dirty!
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