I've never had real dirty rice, but I bet it's amazing, because this knock off/keto dirty rice is really freaking good!
Once again, cauliflower blows my mind and hides out undetected in this recipe like a master spy.
And...so does the liver!
This recipe is loaded with so many nutrients, but tastes so good too! It's definitely going to be on my regular rotation from here on out. My mind is already thinking about variations that could be done, so I'll be sure and let you know what I come up with!
Organ meats are a powerhouse of nutrients and vitamins and I've been trying to include them in my diet on a regular basis the past few months. I've gagged them down a few times just sauteed with onions, one time they weren't too bad...but I like finding creative ways to introduce them where the flavor and texture profile isn't so forward. Here's a great article on the benefits of organ meats by Healthline.
It seems many cultures outside of ours consume organ meats regularly, why are Americans so adverse to them? I don't know, maybe because it isn't vital to our lifespan to use all available resources. However, that shouldn't be a reason to be wasteful, and that's what I feel like we are, in pretty much every area of our existence as a general rule. Rabbit trail here, but I'm trying to be more conscious of the waste in my life in all areas, but especially food and clothing.
When we are shipping our trash to other countries we have a serious problem. When there are starving people in our world and we are just throwing food away left and right, that's a problem. And it all starts with us, we must each make changes in our individual lives. More on that in a later post.
Back to organ meat...eat the whole dang animal for pete's sake. There's a reason beyond just waste, it is one of the most nutrient dense foods out there you could possibly eat. That should be reason enough right there.
Now, go try this recipe.
Then, come back and let me know what you think!
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